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Discreet Service

Discreet Billing

Your card will be billed as EMPIRESTORE.NET

This site is powered by, the recognized leader in video on demand and adult retail. They handle billing, order fulfilment and customer service.

Discreet, Fast Shipping

We ship all packages in plain boxes. The shipping label on all of our packages will read "Empire Distributing" All of our shipments are sent in non-descript boxes.

UPS Discreet Packaging ImageUPS Ground Discreet Packaging ImageMedia Discreet Packaging ImageRental Discreet Packaging Image
Discreet Packaging Samples

All orders received before 3:00pm EST are processed the same day (Monday through Friday).

Discreet Customer Service

All order confirmation emails will be sent from '' and our company name will be listed as Adam and Eve Plus. You can turn off Order Confirmation emails from Adam and Eve Plus at this link: Change Your Settings

In the case that a Customer Service Representative has to call you, they will only discuss contents of an order with the individual who placed the order.

We will only call the phone number you provide, if we have a problem with your order and receive no reply via email or in some cases to validate suspicious account activity.

Complete Customer Privacy

We value your privacy and will not sell any of your personal information to third parties. Please read our full Privacy Policy for further information.

We send promotional emails which consist of coupons, new site features and other customer related information. You can unsubscribe by unselecting the Sales and Specials box in your account Notification Options and saving your preferences.

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